Daws Rd, Pasadena SA 5042
Through collaboration and commitment, Springbank Secondary College is creating an interdisciplinary and inquiry focused learning program across the school.
Our focus is Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
Our motto is igniting, inquisitive imagination.
Our vision: We are committed to an inclusive and engaging learning environment that promotes a culture of excellence and creativity.
The emphasis on the school’s values of respect, resilience and integrity continues to support an inclusive, wellbeing-focused environment and inspires learner engagement. Creative and critical thinking and problem-solving skills development are fundamental in the learning design.
In the redesigned school, a positive learning-centred culture exists to empower confident and creative learners.
Student achievement of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) through an emphasis on personalised learning has remained at 100% completion for the last two years.
Springbank Secondary College offers a unique, small by design learning environment that I encourage you to consider.